Have you ever wondered what it takes to be the President of the United States? Well, the journey starts with debates, and guess what? The first Republican US Presidential debate just happened! The first Republican U.S. Presidential debate for 2024 just took place!

Welcome To Discernatively! Today, we’re diving deep into the first Republican US presidential debate of 2024. Buckle up because it’s going to be a thrilling ride!


So, you’re probably sitting there, asking yourself, ‘Why should I even care about this debate?’ Well, let me lay it out for you right here, right now! Picture this: the Republican US Presidential debate is essentially the ‘Super Bowl’ of American politics! Candidates from the Republican Party are squaring off in real-time over the hottest issues that are shaping America’s future. We’re talking about the economy, healthcare, and foreign policy—it’s all on the table!

But get this: It’s not just a show for the people in the room. No, no, no! This is a performance aimed directly at YOU, the American voter! Imagine it as if it’s ‘American Idol,’ but instead of singing, they’re debating policies that could change your life!

Did you know that the first televised presidential debate was between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon in 1960?

Now, hold onto your seats because this is where it gets wild! This first GOP debate in Milwaukee isn’t just talk—it’s a spectacle with a record-breaking 11 million Fox News viewers! Eight contenders tackle hot topics like Ukraine aid and Trump’s legal maze!

So, you see, this isn’t just a debate; it’s the pulse of the nation, captured live on stage!

[CHAPTER 2: Why So Early?]

But hold on a second, pump the brakes! Why is this debate happening a whopping 15 months before the actual election in November 2024? You might think it’s early, but let me tell you, this is all part of the high-stakes, adrenaline-pumping game known as the ‘invisible primary.’

Candidates are in a fierce battle, not just for your attention but for endorsements, elite support, campaign funds, and those oh-so-crucial poll numbers. It’s like the ‘Hunger Games’ of politics, folks, where every move could be your last!

Now, you might be thinking, 15 months is too early But get this: the 2024 campaign season has actually been off to a slow burn. Why? Because many Republican hopefuls are tiptoeing around the giant in the room—none other than former President Donald Trump! The man’s a conservative colossus with a fan base that’s off the charts!

Robert Boatright, a political science guru from Clark University in Massachusetts, puts it perfectly: ‘This year has really taken a little while to gel.’ He emphasizes that these early debates are the ultimate proving ground. It’s where candidates show the media, the donors, and the party elites that they’ve got the mojo to be among the last ones standing when the dust settles.


Donald Trump is not participating in the Republican Party’s first primary debate on the 23rd of august 2023. The Republican National Committee announced that eight other leading candidates have qualified for the event, which is a precursor to the 2024 presidential election. The candidates set to participate are Ron DeSantis, Mike Pence, Vivek Ramaswamy, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Asa Hutchinson, Chris Christie, and Doug Burgum.

So, you see, this isn’t just a debate; it’s the pulse of the nation, captured live on stage! And hey, want to make sure you catch every pulse-pounding moment? Check out the SelectTV Streaming TV Kit. Take control of all your entertainment, including live debates, local channels, and more. The best part? We’ve got an Amazon link in the description, just for you!

In a charged atmosphere, the first GOP debate is pure fireworks! Vivek Ramaswamy, the fresh face, challenges GOP giants like Pence and Christie. “No more career politicians,” he vows, promising D.C. reform and a Trump pardon if he wins.

Hold on, Trump’s legal woes can’t be ignored! Christie critiques the party’s stance on Trump, but nearly all, save Asa Hutchinson, back Trump regardless of legal outcomes. Ramaswamy ups the ante with a pardon pledge!

Did you know that the longest presidential debate in history lasted for four hours and was held in 2015?

DeSantis attributes America’s “decline” to Biden and promises a turnaround! Burgum highlights Biden’s impact on rising grocery bills, while Pence calls out, “Fund the police, not defund!

On the foreign policy front, it’s explosive! Ramaswamy questions aiding Ukraine with our own border issues, but Haley and Christie counter, saying we can’t ignore global threats!

And there you have it, folks! A sneak peek into the first Republican US presidential debate of 2024. Who is your favorite candidate among these? Let us know in the comments. Discernatively will be waiting for your feedback. https://youtu.be/N_5nXikZsyY?si=9lklHpqKghFCZfdY

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