Explore the captivating astronomical phenomenon of planetary engulfment, where expanding stars “swallow” nearby planets. This blog post delves into the life cycle of stars, the process and significance of stellar ingestion, and its symbolic representation of cosmic change and transformation. 


Prepare to be amazed as we delve into the extraordinary phenomenon of a star swallowing a planet, a cosmic event observed by astronomers for the first time. This incredible discovery has garnered significant attention on social media and was reported by CNN. The star’s expansion, as it ran out of fuel, led to the engulfment of a nearby planet. The event was marked by strong emission of light and has provided valuable insights into the future of our own solar system. 

The Stellar Engulfment Process 

When a star evolves into a red giant, it expands its outer layers, increasing its volume by millions of times. This expansion also increases its gravitational influence on nearby objects. The red giant’s gravity causes nearby planets, as the hot Jupiter observed in this case, to spiral inward and be consumed by the star’s outer layers. As the planet is swallowed, its outer layers are stripped away, leaving behind a dense core that sinks into the star’s interior and is assimilated. 

Unraveling the Cosmic Mystery 

Initially detected in data from the Palomar Observatory in California, further observations at the Keck Observatory in Hawaii and infrared readings from the Palomar Observatory helped astronomers understand the event. While the infrared data initially suggested a star merger, additional analysis using NASA’s infrared space telescope, NEOWISE, confirmed that the star was consuming a planet. 

Infrared Astronomy Revolution 

The use of infrared data has historically been challenging due to the high cost of infrared detectors and the difficulty in constructing large cameras for capturing repeated images of the sky. However, advancements in infrared astronomy are expected in the next decade, with several new instruments coming online. These developments could enable astronomers to identify similar events more frequently, providing a wealth of information about the relationships between stars and their planets. 

A Vision of Earth’s Distant Demise 

Although Earth is not scheduled to meet a similar fate for another 5 billion years, witnessing this event gives us a glimpse into the future of our planet. If another civilization were observing our solar system from a distance of 10,000 light-years while the Sun engulfed Earth, they would see the Sun brighten suddenly as it ejected material, formed dust around it, and then settled back to its original state. By observing and understanding this cosmic phenomenon, we can appreciate the intricate workings of the universe and prepare for the eventual transformation of our own cosmic neighbourhood. 


This incredible discovery is just one example of the many surprises that space has to offer. As we continue to explore the cosmos, who knows what other fascinating mysteries we will uncover? We invite you to share your thoughts on this groundbreaking discovery in the comments below. In the meantime, you can learn more about other remarkable space discoveries and the James Webb Space Telescope by exploring our other blog posts. 

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